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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Debriefing The Strategic Entrepenuer Summit and the effects of sitting down studying for 2 days

Well what a time was had by everyone,amazing men and women all gathered together to hear the pearls and hard yakka of the modern Entrepenuer.
Siimon reynolds, cool, eventually warmed up and had us all laughing at some of his exploits especially jumping out of an aeroplane, but that is the life of a leader, sometimes you just have to jump and trust that the universe will protect,  and take you too the next level,pushing yourself,  beyond your normal comfort zone does build such huge self confidence.
Reynolds is a  excellent example of what it takes too succeed in the 21st century
  Andrew Roberts,  Creel Price, who by the way just sold his  company for 109 million dollars, who looked like he was fresh out of Uni.
Also the Amazing Matt Rockman, who helped to formulate Seek.com and who's company is now is floating on the stock exchange.
He bravely added though, he had a angry wife for a while,as the company was being built, bravo the wives of the Entrepenuer they have to be very secure and very independent, and bravo again Matt for realizing there has to be a sane balance otherwise your relationships go to peices.
Also Jack Delosa , Ari Galper and Brian Sher.