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Monday, August 20, 2012

Christmas Cards and Treasure boxes August Classes

Inspired by Vanessa Webb and Renee Van Stralen both very talented Stampin'Up

Dear Guys
 Just updating you all on my new class dates ready to start creating again !!

August classes are to commence on the 27th of Ausgust at 10.30am and 7.30pm

See the  attatched photo's of cards and the lovely Christmas box we will be making
Let me know if you prefer the morning or evening class.
Class payment would be appreciated asap so I can order supplies for your packs
The box can fit and store 25 cards or more comfortably
Also I will be giving you printed  instructions if would like to make another one  for a friend and yourself at home

.                            <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
 Create  a stash of beautiful cards ready to use for  Birthdays,
, Thinking of you's , Anniversaries, and Just because
Enjoy the company of other stampers and learn some new paper-crafting techniques, using the latest wonderful papers, stampsets, and accessories from Stampin' Up.
Step-by-step instructions given,
 beginner papercrafters are welcome :)

Dates - every third  Monday in 2012 morning and evening.
                Christmas Card  Stamp - A - Stacks begin July
                16th July                    10.30am and 7.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                   27th August              10.30am and 7.30pm

                17th September         10.30am and 7.30pm

                15th October             10.30am and 7.30pm

               19th November          10.30am and 7.30pm

               17th December           10.30am and 7.30pm

Tea, coffee and a light supper provided.
 Bookings are essential and your $30.00 is required a week prior to the workshop so supplies 
 can be purchased.  
 Place: Mine!  I will give you my address at time of confirmation CORRIMAL     2518

 Cost:  $30.00 for 4 cards and envelopes and a  beautiful Christmas storage box  to hold all your  handmade treasures!
 (depending on designs and embellishments used)

 Bank Deposit Details  Will be given on confirmation of your place in the class

My classes fill quickly so be smart and rsvp, asap
Please phone   (02) 42443434 or  EMAIL ME at pinkminxart@hotmail.com to reserve your place for yourself and a friend. ;)
Can't wait to create this beautiful project with you all

Jules x

Julie Di Gregorio -  Artist
Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator

Corrimal.NSW 2518
(02) 42443434
web www.juliedigregorio.stampinup.net
Images @ 1990- 2008 Stampin' Up
Artwork by Julie Di Gregorio copyright 2011

Love what you share .....share what you love


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