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Monday, February 6, 2012

Serious Topic 2012

Why ?? in this so called elightened society that we create everday by our action or our inaction  that we can freely discuss rape,murder,violence, teach our children to dumb themselves down, by letting them play games about the crap.... and turn into moronic morons when the phrase child abuse rears its head?
Because it has happened in a lot of households that people care to admit to...
and sadly most people would choose to swim in the blue river in Egypt than take a proactive stance on this most heinous and cowardly of crimes.
I also do not understand that a system designed to save children and take them out of abusive environments ....a  lot of the time ploncks them staight back into the waiting arms of the local proffessional foster mothers and sometimes an  eagerly awaiting pheodophile!!!!!
We need to lobby our Govevnments to put more money into recovery programs for survivors  instead of "peice meal funding" 
Stringent police and background testing for prospective "Parents"
More power of reporting to professionals Teachers ,Doctors,Childcare workers